These are mine and Jardin's favorite pictures of our pre-marriage life, we especially like the top left photo. We had so many fun dates including this one.
We were on a double date with our friend Leah McCormmick and went to Costa Vida and then bowling at Phat Catz in Provo.
The whole night was filled with fun talk and fun times. I love how the little things in life are the most meaningful!
Jardin has been working on my parents basement for a couple years now but has been detered by school, floods, other jobs, etc..but for fathers day we rushed and got the basement put back together and finished the bathroom. More pictures to come
Addie's Words
Here is a list of all the words Addie has learned from birth to now...
dog (dah)
more (in sign language)
please (in sign language)
thank you (in sign language)
I love you (in sign language) papa Bella (our dog's name)
grandma (gma)
bye-bye (ba-bye with a wave)
cat (dat)
shoe (oo)
that (dat) uh-oh
bath (ba) A (ah) B (buh) C (quh)
cheese (ttzz)
bath (ba while pointing to the tub) Q (quwa) Amy (Mayme) TV (sad, I know)
E (eeee) N (nuh) I wanna go (first sentence-August 29, 2010) sticker (sticka) I cracker (kwakwa) princess (pincess) popcorn (popka) pumpkin (pumpka) please (peeeeeze) kitty cat (tsz tah) Shelby (shh-bee) her babysitter
snow (except she cries when we get her near it)
what? milk (mulk)
38 words and counting...she's repeating pretty much everything we say. So this list will end soon.
Fly Away Baby!
Little Spring Baby
The finished product
Jardin was finally able to finish Kylee and Matt's project and here is the final result. Yay for talented husbands and free hair cut and colors!
Jardin's new project
Jardin is making an entertainment center for my friend Kylee in exchange for hair cuts and colors. This is the first time he has ever done this and we are all amazed by his talent. Now he just needs to make me a dresser!
Happy Baby
Addie's Teeth
This is our attempt capture all of Addie's teeth on camera. But she doesn't let us get a good shot of her top two teeth, just the bottoms.
Snack time!
Addie loves eating biter biscuits. Of course that means stripping her down to her diaper and giving her a bath right after.
Valentine's day
For Valentine's, Grandma Christenson gave Addie a little bag of treats including candy and stickers. She loved them and she loves her Grandma!
Jardin and I got married April 19th 2008 and had our first baby April 3rd 2009. Our life has been filled with busy schedules, late nights, and lots and lots of diapers but we have loved it! Right now Jardin is a full time student and UVU and is planning on going into the medical field. When he isn't going to classes or studying he is volunteering at the Utah Valley Hospital or fishing. I am teaching piano right now and have 24 students. I recently downsized my studio from 32 students and have loved the extra time with my family. Addie is doing great! She is now 10 months and loves to talk and move and does not like being cuddled! She loves dogs and wants to watch Baby Einstein's 'Neighborhood Animals' all day long. She can say 'dog', 'uh-oh', 'dad', 'hi', 'bye-bye', as well as barks and copies tones. She has 4 teeth and has a couple more coming. She has been our joy and we feel so blessed she is in our family and is doing so well!
This past Spring we bought 8 chickens-3 have died from Schitzu attacks but Bella seems to get along with them. At least she lets them share her water
Addie was our little chick for Halloween this year. She didn't seem to know she had a costume on and didn't, therefore, complain
Eatin' Hay
Jardin's Summer Projects
During the summer Jardin spends some time building pergolas. This past summer he hired Tanner to help him. It was nice having them work together before Tan left on his mission.
Truck Driver Addie
Addie took a moment to spend some time with Grandpa in his big truck
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